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Torno Mecânico Colchester Triumph 2500 VENDIDO

Insufficient Storage
The method could not be performed on the resource because the server is unable to store the representation needed to successfully complete the request. There is insufficient free space left in your storage allocation.

Additionally, a 507 Insufficient Storage error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Torno Mecânico Colchester Triumph 2500

Entre centros de 50 “/ 1270mm;

Prato de 3 grampos 10 “/ 254mm;

Torreta de mudança rápida multifix + 4 porta ferros;

Digital da marca fagor 3 eixos;


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Torno Mecânico HARRISON 165 VENDIDO

Insufficient Storage
The method could not be performed on the resource because the server is unable to store the representation needed to successfully complete the request. There is insufficient free space left in your storage allocation.

Additionally, a 507 Insufficient Storage error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Torno Mecânico HARRISON 165
Fabricante: HARRISON
Modelo / Tipo: 165

Distância entre pontos de 1000 mm
Torneamento máximo 330 milímetros
Diâmetro ao carro 180 mm
Velocidades de 41-1750 rpm

Caixa Norton Para roscas em milimetros, diametral pitch, whitworth, rosca Americana etc.

Torno está equipado com Bucha de 3 grampos 200 mm de diâmetro, torreta com suporte e ferro, cone rotativo bucha, luneta.

Detalhes técnicos:
Peso aprox. 1200 kg
Dimensões aprox. 2150 x 850 x 1.350 milímetro

Harrison165Harrison165(2) Haqrrison165(3)Harrison165(1) Harrison165

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Torno mecanico Wagner DCH 160 HG 32 VENDIDO

Insufficient Storage
The method could not be performed on the resource because the server is unable to store the representation needed to successfully complete the request. There is insufficient free space left in your storage allocation.

Additionally, a 507 Insufficient Storage error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Torno mecanico Wagner DCH 160 HG 32

Marca : Wagner
Modelo : DCH 160 HG 32
Ano : 1990

Bucha de 3 grampos 160mm
Distância entre pontos 750 mm,
Torreta multi fix, ponto rotativo

Peso : 1200 kg
Dimensões : 1800 x 700 x 1400 mm

Para mais informações : +351916791367 /

Torno mecanico  wagnerTorno mecanico  wagnerTorno mecanico  wagnerTorno mecanico  wagner Torno mecanico  wagner Torno mecanico  wagner